Tuesday, June 14, 2016

 School Uniforms
Josh Snyder
            One topic that is very argued about these days, are school uniforms. Some think it is a good idea to use school uniforms in their school to improve daily events that occur. Others think that they cause more damage than usual. I believe that school uniforms are not a good way to treat students, peers, teachers and people in the community. School uniforms are not a good way to educate kids, stop bullying, or decrease distraction in school. School uniforms are not a piece of clothing that should be used in public schools.
          Bullying is a very serious subject in public schools, private schools, and outside of schools!  School Uniforms don’t make bullying any better, instead it shows that teachers, principals, and parents just want to put a “Band-Aid” on it to prevent it from coming back.  The problem is, a “Band-Aid” won’t keep the problem away. Kids can still get bullied at school for their looks, hair, personality, and much more. For example, a 13 year old boy from Syracuse was bullied for wearing a school uniform in the locker room. 2 LaFayette boys “poked”, “choked”, “shoved” and even “punched” the kid. This shows that kids are not safe, even at a different school, or at home. Also, 31.7% of kids in Public Schools have said they’ve been bullied in a local debate in Miami, Florida. And of those 31.7% of kids, over 16% have been bullied because of how they look. Even if there is no problem at their own school, they can still get bullied at another school, or at home by siblings or even outside of school by local bullies for wearing school uniforms. Overall, School Uniforms don’t stop bullying, even if you try hiding from it using bare clothing.
Not only can uniforms cause bullying, they can also cause loss in academic scores. School uniforms can distract kids from their usual daily plan, such as homework, classwork, quizzes, tests, and exams. They can also distract you from class lessons and notes that could be important. Although regular clothing can distract kids too, school uniforms are much more distracting, when everyone is wearing the same thing, and when you wear the same clothes every day to school. Even enforcing the rules of school uniforms and the ‘Dress Code’ can be hard. In a study, it shows that 23% of public schools in America have school uniforms. But, over half of the public schools with uniforms in the USA are elementary. Is this because of the low age level, or because it’s easier to pick on them because they are so short/small? Either way, school uniforms is a bad influence on kids of all ages, and can violate rules, distract students from learning, and cause major problems. School uniforms shouldn’t be a necessity for school, and should not be allowed any other place.
          Although school uniforms can be devious, there is a good side to school uniforms. First of all, they make sure that school uniforms are school friendly, with no inappropriate messages or clothing. A study in Tennessee showed that kids feel more “popular” in They also help make sure if you are out on a field trip, your uniform stands out in a crowd full of people. School uniforms help with fitting in too! They make it so no one is different, which can be good or bad. Even though school uniforms aren’t completely bad, they do have a good side.
          School uniforms play a major part in school, and in your life. Everybody has their own opinion on this topic but for me, I don’t think they are safe, because of their bullying issues, violating rules, causing trouble, and distracting many people. So the next time, you have to wear a stinky, smelly, old, and bland school uniform, go to your school principal or counselor. Read them a speech, lesson, or show them a video on how school uniforms are a bad idea for schools, and the community! Again, school uniforms should not be allowed in schools ever.

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